Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Visited those guys waiting to see Attack of the Clones

Sometimes I am overcome by strange impulses. Yesterday morning, on Fark, I read about these two guys who are already waiting to see the new Star Wars movie, “Attack of the Clones”. This movie is due out on May 16. Yes, they are hoping to make a record of some kind. I thought they were really sad individuals, until I realized that I was sitting at home reading about some guys who were sitting waiting for this movie. Plus, they’ve been visited by a stripper for their effort, while I have had no such luck. It turns out that they are camping out at the Cinerama theater here in Seattle. So, naturally, I stalked them. stalking-star-wars-fans is the result, with pictures and everything.


Some confusion in the history machine. This was a dated note. Stalking Star Wars Fans was undated, so I made an incorrect assumption based on Internet Archive search results. None of this would have happened if I brought in the dated notes on my first site history spelunking trip.

Now I’m going to submit the link to Fark, go eat dinner, and find out if Fark will melt my computer. Wish me luck, folks!

Added to vault 2024-06-15. Updated on 2024-06-15