Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Summarizing A File With Crystal

Tags: crystal files programming


Okay, I don’t have a lot of time here. We’re on a tight schedule. But hey tests are running so I’ll write a tiny bit of Crystal.

How would I print a quick summary of a file? Besides ls, of course. I mean how would I print a quick summary of a file using Crystal?

filename = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png"
puts `ls -l #{filename}`
-rw-r--r-- 1 randomgeek randomgeek 3346960 Nov 13 08:11 /home/randomgeek/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png

We already looked at Crystal as a glue language. No, I’m wondering more about how I would get this information using Crystal’s standard library.

Turns out I can get the same information with File::Info.

puts "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png"
Crystal::System::FileInfo(@stat=LibC::Stat(@st_dev=2051, @st_ino=6983901, \
  @st_nlink=1, @st_mode=33188, @st_uid=1000, @st_gid=1000, @__pad0=0,     \
  @st_rdev=0, @st_size=3346960, @st_blksize=4096, @st_blocks=6552,        \
  @st_atim=LibC::Timespec(@tv_sec=1573661608, @tv_nsec=641856438),        \
  @st_mtim=LibC::Timespec(@tv_sec=1573661472, @tv_nsec=0),                \
  @st_ctim=LibC::Timespec(@tv_sec=1573661609, @tv_nsec=941857986),        \
  @__glibc_reserved=StaticArray[0, 0, 0]))

This is both more and less information than I was hoping for. Clearly whoever wrote to_s for File::Info figured the main time you would need to directly print the object is when you were debugging. That makes sense, and they provide methods to get at the information I care about most.

# Returns a multiline string summary of a single file
def describe_file(filename)
    info =

    size = ->(bytes : UInt64) {
      scales = { {1024**3, "GB"}, {1024**2, "MB"}, {1024, "KB"} }
      scale = scales.find { |i| bytes > i[0] }

      scale.nil? ? "#{bytes} bytes" : "%.2f %s" % [bytes / scale[0], scale[1]]
    }.call(info.size) do |str|
      str << "Filename: #{filename}\n"
      str << "Size:     #{size}\n"
      str << "Modified: #{info.modification_time}\n"

filename = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png"
puts describe_file filename
Filename: /home/randomgeek/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png
Size:     3.19 MB
Modified: 2019-11-13 16:11:12 UTC

I grabbed the logic from weighing-files-with-python to get a description of the size in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. That is easier for my brain to understand than the UInt64 integer byte count provided by File::Info.size.

Yes, the whole thing is more clever than the situation requires, but I am trying to learn the language here. Using a Proc was one way to basically copy and paste the logic from my earlier post and reformat for Crystal. Sure, I could have — and probably should have — defined a new, separate method. At the same time, Procs are great to show that there’s this bit of behavior you want to encapsulate, but you don’t plan to use anywhere else.

But really it was just a bit of late night silliness so I could see Crystal Procs in action. Silliness for the sake of learning is okay.

And what did I learn?

Hang on. I’m curious to explore that last one. Procs are treated differently. Are they faster?

require "benchmark"

filename = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/2019-11-13 08.11.12.png"
bytes =

def describe_size(bytes)
  scales = { {1024**3, "GB"}, {1024**2, "MB"}, {1024, "KB"} }
  scale = scales.find { |i| bytes > i[0] }

  scale.nil? ? "#{bytes} bytes" : "%.2f %s" % [bytes / scale[0], scale[1]]

size_proc = ->(bytes : UInt64) {
  scales = { {1024**3, "GB"}, {1024**2, "MB"}, {1024, "KB"} }
  scale = scales.find { |i| bytes > i[0] }

  scale.nil? ? "#{bytes} bytes" : "%.2f %s" % [bytes / scale[0], scale[1]]

Benchmark.ips do |benchmark|"using method") do
    size = describe_size(bytes)
  end"using proc") do
    size =
$ crystal run --release
using method   2.20M (455.45ns) (± 6.08%)  352B/op        fastest
  using proc   2.18M (458.85ns) (± 5.46%)  352B/op   1.01× slower

The method is almost three whole nanoseconds faster than the Proc. I wonder…

$ crystal run --release
using method   2.15M (465.37ns) (± 5.93%)  352B/op   1.01× slower
  using proc   2.16M (462.10ns) (± 6.04%)  352B/op        fastest

Yeah, that’s what I thought. For this case at least, local environment variations — did Spotify just hit a new track? — will have a bigger impact than whether I choose a Proc or a method.

Okay, tests are done. Everything passed, yay! Back to it. Maybe back to the drawing, actually.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-02-02