Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Ruby Ruby Ruby — oh yeah I've got a job too

Okay. postNuke is long gone. It’s a fine tool, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my free time. Yeah, I have to think about free time again, because I’ve just started working at the Omni Group as a tech support person. The job is great, and the people are great. Plus, it’s a Mac shop, so I’m surrounded by machines running OS X. It may not be Linux, but it’s a much better environment for me than Windows. Life being the odd thing that it is, I am working with ZenSpider, a classmate from high school who also happens to be a freakishly skilled programmer. He’s very active with  Ruby , and has also been teaching me (indirectly and possibly without his full awareness) about the wonders of unit testing and Extreme Programming - stupid name, but a lot of good ideas.

So I’ve been working hard on grasping the finer points of Ruby, especially the Ruby/Tk GUI toolkit. There’s an excellent tutorial on the subject, but not much else. I have found myself digging around in the tk.rb code, and looking for quick and dirty guides to Tcl/Tk. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Oh yeah, and the  Ruby Geekery  section is back up. Not much there, but … you know, someday.

Added to vault 2024-06-15. Updated on 2024-06-15