[2022-05-24 Tue 08:54]


Brain insists on a CLI flow for this tumblelog. So of course I have to mess up my perfectly functional flow.

I know I’ll fiddle with it more later, but here’s what I got at the moment.

I consider the Org inactive timestamps title core to the tumblelog flow. Better let time.Format produce something plausible in my posts.md Hugo archetype.

title: "[{{ time.Format "2006-01-02 Mon 15:04" .Date }}]"
- Brian Wisti
date: {{ .Date }}
tags: []
draft: false

The archetype uses YAML frontmatter instead of ox-hugo’s default TOML. I find manually managing the tags is easier that way.

My brain picked Ruby for the script to generate and open a new post, thanks mainly to the convenience of Piotr Murach’s TTY toolkit.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "tty-command"
require "tty-editor"
POST_PATH = "content/posts/%Y/%m/%s.md"
post_path = Time.now.strftime POST_PATH
cmd = TTY::Command.new
cmd.run "hugo new #{post_path}"
TTY::Editor.open post_path

All it does is ask Hugo to create a new post based on the archetype, and then open that post file in my $EDITOR.

I’ll get to more later. I know from past experience I can use tty-command to manage the git bits after I’m done writing.

But apparently if I want to pay rent I need to work.