Random post crossed into my field of view today.
“I made this” is one of the oldest frustrations of the Internet, to the point of being immortalized in comic form at least once. Heck it’s part of why I set my site content to a Creative Commons license. Why fight it? But yeah. Any possible external value has been extracted and claimed. Let’s assume it’s too late for my ancient blog.
Your newer site, with words and images you care deeply about? You may want to put some locks on those doors.
The only caveat about the advice from the article --- aside from the fact that it’s probably kinda satirical what with getting its answers from chat-GPT3:
is usually ignored --- but it’s still a nice gesture to the few who acknowledge it- User-agent restrictions can be worked around with minimal effort --- but will work against the large number of folks who can’t be bothered with minimal effort
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