Right now, everything goes in init.lua
I may tidy that up later.
global prep
Most Neovim Lua functionality is contained in the vim
module. Pull some of
the frequently used ones into the current namespace, to save a little typing
for our fingers.
vim commands (eg cmd('pwd')
vim functions (eg fn.buffer()
a table for global variables
vim options
local cmd = vim.cmd
local fn = vim.fn
local g = vim.g
local opt = vim.opt
Helper functions
There’s just map
for the moment.
It creates mappings with noremap
option enabled by default.
local function map ( mode , lhs , rhs , opts )
local options = { noremap = true }
if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend ( 'force' , options , opts ) end
vim.api . nvim_set_keymap ( mode , lhs , rhs , options )
Bootstrap packer.nvim
Make sure the Packer plugin manager is instealled and ready.
local install_path = fn.stdpath ( 'data' ) .. '/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if fn.empty ( fn.glob ( install_path )) > 0 then
packer_bootstrap = fn.system ({
'git' ,
'clone' ,
'--depth' , '1' ,
'https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim' ,
require ( 'packer' ). startup ( function ( use )
use "wbthomason/packer.nvim"
// ==> Specify my packages .
if packer_bootstrap then
require ( 'packer' ). sync ()
end )
The Packages
It’s mostly use "source/repo"
I’ll pull the more interesting bits out into their own blocks.
Specify my packages
use "nvim-lua/popup.nvim"
use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"
use "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"
use "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"
use "EdenEast/nightfox.nvim"
use "RRethy/nvim-base16"
use { "catppuccin/nvim" , as = "catpuccin" }
use 'folke/tokyonight.nvim'
use {
'meliora-theme/neovim' ,
requires = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' },
use 'pineapplegiant/spaceduck'
-- ==> Load treesitter.
-- ==> Load filetype.nvim.
-- ==> Load telescope.nvim.
-- ==> Load null-ls.nvim.
-- ==> Load which-key.nvim.
-- ==> Load lualine.nvim.
-- ==> Load programming language support.
-- ==> Load riv.vim.
is an experimental binding for Neovim.
Something to do with syntax highlighting?
Both it and the plugins that use it change frequently.
So I better follow the instructions about keeping everything up to
date when I sync.
Load treesitter
use {
"nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" ,
run = ":TSUpdate" ,
config = function ()
require ( "nvim-treesitter.configs" ). setup {
ensure_installed = "all" ,
highlight = {
enable = true ,
additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false ,
local parser_config = require ( "nvim-treesitter.parsers" ). get_parser_configs ()
parser_config.just = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/IndianBoy42/tree-sitter-just" , -- local path or git repo
files = { "src/parser.c" , "src/scanner.cc" },
branch = "main" ,
maintainers = { "@IndianBoy42" },
Load filetype.nvim
use {
"nathom/filetype.nvim" ,
config = function ()
require ( "filetype" ). setup {
overrides = {
extensions = {
tf = "terraform" ,
tfvars = "terraform" ,
tfstate = "json" ,
end ,
is a ridiculously fancy fuzzy-finder.
Not sure if I must specify plenary.nvim
as a requirement when I’m already loading it.
Better safe than sorry.
Load telescope.nvim
use { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" ,
requires = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" } },
Global key bindings for telescope.nvim
Showing the global telescope.nvim
key bindings here, though Yarner will be
inserting them outside all this plugin definition stuff. I haven’t figured out
how to do global keybindings in a plugin setup quite yet.
Add global bindings for telescope.nvim
map ( "n" , "<leader>ff" , "<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files()<cr>" )
map ( "n" , "<leader>fg" , "<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep()<cr>" )
map ( "n" , "<leader>fb" , "<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers()<cr>" )
map ( "n" , "<leader>fh" , "<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').help_tags()<cr>" )
Load null-ls.nvim
use {
"jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim" ,
config = function ()
require ( "null-ls" ). setup ({
sources = {
require ( "null-ls" ). builtins.formatting . stylua ,
require ( "null-ls" ). builtins.code_actions . proselint ,
I first bumped into the which-key
help menu in Doom
Emacs .
Start a chained key binding like SPC
, a menu pops up showing what chains are available.
Indispensable there.
Indispensable here.
Thank goodness folks are porting so many Emacs packages to Neovim.
Load which-key.nvim
use {
"folke/which-key.nvim" ,
config = function ()
require ( "which-key" ). setup {}
Load lualine.nvim
use { 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim' ,
requires = { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' , opt = true },
config = function ()
require ( 'lualine' ). setup ({
-- options = { theme = "duskfox", }
end ,
Programming Languages
A couple of the tools I use regularly require some special handling.
Load programming language support
use "habamax/vim-asciidoctor"
use "vim-crystal/vim-crystal"
use "glench/vim-jinja2-syntax"
use {
"LhKipp/nvim-nu" ,
run = ":TSInstall nu" ,
config = function ()
require ( "nu" ). setup {}
use { "psf/black" , cmd = { "Black" }}
I bounce way too much between systems.
Right now I use Riv when in Neovim.
What can I say?
I like reStructuredText.
use Riv’s :doc:
role instead of [[...]]
for wiki links
Load riv.vim
use {
"Rykka/riv.vim" ,
config = function ()
riv_main = {
path = "~/Dropbox/riv/main"
vim.g . riv_projects = { riv_main }
vim.g . riv_file_link_style = 2
vim.g . riv_highlight_code = "lua,python,cpp,javascript,sh,terraform|hcl"
Global options
Some of this can be handled by plugins, particularly filetype.nvim
opt.autoread = true
opt.background = 'dark'
opt.completeopt = { 'menuone' , 'noinsert' , 'noselect' } -- completion options (for deoplete)
opt.cursorline = true -- highlight current line
opt.encoding = "utf-8"
opt.expandtab = true -- spaces instead of tabs
opt.hidden = true -- enable background buffers
opt.ignorecase = true -- ignore case in search
opt.joinspaces = false -- no double spaces with join
opt.list = true -- show some invisible characters
opt.maxmempattern = 1000 -- for Riv
opt.mouse = "nv" -- Enable mouse in normal and visual modes
opt.number = true -- show line numbers
opt.relativenumber = true -- number relative to current line
opt.scrolloff = 4 -- lines of context
opt.shiftround = true -- round indent
opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- size of indent
opt.sidescrolloff = 8 -- columns of context
opt.smartcase = true -- do not ignore case with capitals
opt.smartindent = true -- insert indents automatically
opt.splitbelow = true -- put new windows below current
opt.splitright = true -- put new vertical splits to right
opt.termguicolors = true -- truecolor support
opt.wildmode = { 'list' , 'longest' } -- command-line completion mode
opt.wrap = false -- disable line wrap
cmd [[filetype plugin on]]
cmd [[autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=cro]]
cmd [[autocmd FocusGained * checktime]]
cmd [[colorscheme nightfox]]
cmd [[autocmd BufWritePre *.py execute 'Black']]
cmd [[autocmd BufEnter *.astro set ft=astro]]
Global variables
g.mapleader = ' '
g.maplocalleader = ','
g.python3_host_prog = '~/.pyenv/versions/neovim/bin/python'
g.markdown_fenced_languages = {
"bash=sh" ,
"python" ,
"lua" ,
"nushell" ,
g.rst_syntax_code_list = { "python" }
Because I dislike unexpected floating text in my terminal.
vim.diagnostic . config ({
virtual_text = false ,
clears search highlights
map ( "n" , "<bs>" , ":nohlsearch<cr>" , { silent = true })
-- ==> Add global bindings for telescope.nvim.
Language Server Protocol (LSP)
For a fancy IDE-like experience when editing code.
And other structured text, if you’re so inclined.
I pretty much use the standard suggested config.
local lsp_opts = { noremap = true , silent = true }
map ( 'n' , '<space>e' , '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
map ( 'n' , '[d' , '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
map ( 'n' , ']d' , '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
map ( 'n' , '<space>q' , '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.setloclist()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local lspconfig_on_attach = function ( client , bufnr )
-- Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_option ( bufnr , 'omnifunc' , 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc' )
-- Mappings.
-- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , 'gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , 'gd' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , 'K' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , 'gi' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<C-k>' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>wa' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>wr' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>wl' , '<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>D' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>rn' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>ca' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , 'gr' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_keymap ( bufnr , 'n' , '<space>f' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>' , lsp_opts )
require ( "lspconfig" ). pyright.setup { on_attach = lspconfig_on_attach , }
require ( "lspconfig" ). tsserver.setup {
on_attach = lspconfig_on_attach ,
And that’s it!