Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Parrot Babysteps 05 - More About Arrays

Tags: parrot learn coolnamehere

Series: Parrot Babysteps


We started looking at arrays in the last step. We’re going to take a closer look today, exploring different ways of looking at Parrot arrays to build an averaging calculator. We’ll start with no array at all, to build the basic flow of our program and to demonstrate that an array is not always needed. Then we’ll move on to more interesting stuff, with array indexing, stack opcodes, and iterators.

Building the Basic Flow

Our averaging program is going to get its input from the user, and will take an arbitrary quantity of Numbers. Basically, it will keep accepting Numbers until the user indicates that she’s done. It will then display the average of all Numbers and exit.

Sounds simple enough. How will the user tell the program that she’s done? I like the idea of using the string “done”. It’s easy to remember and to the point. Wait. Let me think about that for a moment. The phrase “done” may be easy to remember, but “quit” is more common for leaving an interactive shell. I guess we should use “quit”.

Okay, let’s make the basic shell.

# example-05-01.pir
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SHOW_AVERAGE
	latest_number = user_input
	say latest_number

	say "Average goes here"
	goto EXIT



There’s a little debugging output that won’t be necessary once the program is filled out a little more, but we’ve got the basics.

$ parrot example-05-01.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 23
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 12
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): q
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit
Average goes here

Notice that the string is converted to a number using normal Perl rules: if it doesn’t have any numbers, it’s treated as zero. We could put in some error checking to chastise the user for bad input, but I don’t feel like it right now.

Averaging With No Arrays

I would like to point something out before we start digging into array features. We don’t need to use arrays when calculating something like an average. Here’s a perfectly useful example that never uses a single array:

# example-05-02.pir
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local num    total
	.local int    numbers_entered
	.local num    average
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin
	total = 0
	numbers_entered = 0

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SHOW_AVERAGE
	latest_number = user_input
	numbers_entered += 1
	total += latest_number

	average = total / numbers_entered
	say average
	goto EXIT



Here’s what it looks like in action.

$ parrot example-05-02.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 5
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 10
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 15
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 20
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit

Why did I show this? Well, basically because “write an averaging program without using an Array in the language of your choice” is an interview question I’ve been asked a couple of times. It’s been a while, but I thought I’d be ready in case somebody asked me again. They’ll probably expect me to use Java or Ruby or something. This will show them. This will show them all! This will show them - uhh -

I’m not sure what it’ll show them.

Anyways - I wrote this version because I felt like it. Let’s start writing code that uses arrays, okay?

Stacks - Pushing and Popping

The stack is one of the fundamental data structures. The mental image is straightforward: you have a stack of things. You can push a new thing onto the stack, or you can pop the top thing from the stack into your hand. Stacks provide a simple way to handle every item in a collection. One thing you need to keep in mind is consistent with that stack image: once you’ve popped an item from the stack, it’s not in the collection anymore. So popping all the way through a stack results in what? Yes, that’s right. It results in an empty stack.

Still, the stack structure is good enough for a lot of collection handling, and will definitely work for our averaging application.

I’ll show you the code first, then we can talk about it.

# example-05-03
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local num    total
	.local int    number_count
	.local pmc    numbers
	.local num    average
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin
	numbers = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SETUP_CALCULATE_SUM
	latest_number = user_input
	push numbers, latest_number

	total = 0
	number_count = 0

	latest_number = pop numbers
	total += latest_number
	number_count += 1
	if numbers goto CALCULATE_SUM

	average = total / number_count
	say average


We use the ResizableFloatArray PMC to hold our user’s numeric input. That is a built-in PMC, so we don’t need to do any special includes to access it. Just create a new one with the new opcode.

.local pmc    numbers
# ...
numbers = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

After creating numbers, we can push new values onto the array with the push opcode. We use this to collect user input.

push numbers, latest_number

Later on, when we’re calculating the average, we use pop to grab the most recently pushed value from the stack. We keep doing that until we’re out of numbers, as judged by a simple if test.

	latest_number = pop numbers
	total += latest_number
	number_count += 1
	if numbers goto CALCULATE_SUM

If numbers is empty and that test looks false to Parrot, the program falls through to the next statement. That next statement is where we actually calculate the average.

$ parrot example-05-03.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 1e+5
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 1e+3
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 1e+1
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit

Yes, I was being more clever than I needed to with this example session, but I wanted to remind you that Parrot accepts E notation for numbers. Here’s the same session with the numbers looking more like you might have expected.

$ parrot example-05-03.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 100000
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 1000
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 10
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit

shift and unshift - The Bottom of the Stack

While push and pop work on the end of an array, Parrot also provides unshift and shift which handle corresponding functionality on the front of an array. Let’s go back to the stack image for a moment. We already have the basic idea of pushing onto and popping off of the top of a stack. We can also shift an item from the bottom of that stack. What used to be the first item is now in our hands, and the rested of the stack has shifted down so that the old second item is the new first item. We can unshift an item into the bottom of the stack. Now that unshifted item is the new first in the collection, and the old first item is now the second.

I really need to get some illustrations in here. The idea is very easy to show, but my language skills aren’t adequate for the task.

# example-05-04
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local num    total
	.local int    number_count
	.local pmc    numbers
	.local num    average
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin
	numbers = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SETUP_CALCULATE_SUM
	latest_number = user_input
	unshift numbers, latest_number

	total = 0
	number_count = 0

	latest_number = shift numbers
	total += latest_number
	number_count += 1
	if numbers goto CALCULATE_SUM

	average = total / number_count
	say average


Which is better? I’ll be honest with you. I don’t really know. I stick to pushing and popping because it’s easier to visualize.

However, when you combine push and shift you get a whole new structure called a queue.


A queue is yet another way of looking at your array when you are concerned about order. Stacks are LIFO: when you pop an item from the stack, you’re getting the last item that was pushed. Queues are FIFO: when you shift an item from the queue, you get the first item that was pushed. Okay - the technical term for placing an item in the queue is enqueue and for grabbing an item is dequeue. Pushing and shifting refer to the opcodes we’re using. Use whatever term you’re happier with.

The actual code for using a queue instead of a stack still doesn’t look all that different, because they’re still producing the same final result. Let’s write an example that clearly demonstrates the difference between a queue and a stack:

# example-05-05
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local pmc    stdin
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local pmc    stack
	.local int    stack_count
	.local num    stack_popped
	.local num    stack_sum
	.local num    stack_average
	.local pmc    queue
	.local int    queue_count
	.local num    queue_dequeued
	.local num    queue_sum
	.local num    queue_average

	stdin = getstdin
	stack = new 'ResizableFloatArray'
	queue = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	latest_number = user_input
	push stack, latest_number  # Push onto the stack
	push queue, latest_number  # Enqueue onto the queue

	stack_count = 0
	stack_sum   = 0
	queue_count = 0
	queue_sum   = 0

	stack_popped = pop stack
	print "Popped: "
	say stack_popped
	stack_sum += stack_popped
	stack_count += 1
	if stack goto CALCULATE_STACK_SUM

	queue_dequeued = shift queue
	print "Dequeued: "
	say queue_dequeued
	queue_sum += queue_dequeued
	queue_count += 1
	if queue goto CALCULATE_QUEUE_SUM

	stack_average = stack_sum / stack_count
	queue_average = queue_sum / queue_count
	print "Stack average: "
	say stack_average
	print "Queue average: "
	say queue_average


Now we can see exactly what numbers are being grabbed as our program calculates the sums.

$ parrot example-05-05.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 5
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 10
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 15
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 20
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit
Popped: 20
Popped: 15
Popped: 10
Popped: 5
Dequeued: 5
Dequeued: 10
Dequeued: 15
Dequeued: 20
Stack average: 12.5
Queue average: 12.5

That output could fill up the screen if I had a lot of values. I might want to fine-tune the debug output. Then again, I might want to just move on to the next subject.

Accessing by Index

Stacks and queues are a practical solution to a wide range of collection-handling problems. They do have one shortcoming, though. Both of them are destructive. When you pop or shift a value from an array, you are actually removing that value.

There is nothing left after you haved popped or shifted the last value. Sometimes that is okay, but sometimes you want to use the array for some other calculation. Those are the situations where you want a way to access the contents of the array without changing them. One way to do that is by accessing contents via an index.

The Parrot Array documentation shows a few things about setting up fixed-size arrays and setting individual values within arrays, but what I care about is the fact that array elements are accessed pretty much the same as in other languages I’m familiar with. We use square brackets [] to access a specific element, and the count is zero-based. Yes, zero-based indexing can be a little confusing sometimes. Think of it as “how many items from the front is the element I want?” and you should be fine.

We’ll build up our array in the same way that we have been, because I want the user to have some flexibility in deciding how many numbers to average. After that we’ll step through the array by incrementing an index.

# example-05-06
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local num    total
	.local int    number_count
	.local int    number_index
	.local pmc    numbers
	.local num    average
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin
	numbers = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SETUP_CALCULATE_SUM
	latest_number = user_input
	push numbers, latest_number

	total = 0
	number_count = numbers
	number_index = 0

	if number_index >= number_count goto CALCULATE_AVERAGE
	latest_number = numbers[number_index]
	total += latest_number
	number_index += 1

	average = total / number_count
	print "Values entered: "
	say number_count
	print "Sum of values:  "
	say total
	print "Average:        "
	say average

A little more information is displayed in this version.

$ parrot example-05-06.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 5
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 10
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 15
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 20
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit
Values entered: 4
Sum of values:  50
Average:        12.5

Notice that we check to see if we’ve stepped outside of bounds right away. We could test at the end of that section, but the truth is that I don’t trust my own code. The sooner I can see if I need to move on, the happier I’ll be. I could even test if we’ve somehow gone below zero if I was feeling especially paranoid. I won’t do that today, though. You’re welcome.

Using an Iterator

We’re nearly done. There is only one more way of traversing arrays that I want to look at. Parrot Iterators allow you to step through the contents of an array without doing anything to the array itself, while ignoring the details of array indexing.

# example-05-07
.sub 'main' :main
	.const string PROMPT      = 'Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): '
	.const string EXIT_STRING = 'quit'
	.local string user_input
	.local num    latest_number
	.local num    total
	.local int    number_count
	.local pmc    numbers
	.local pmc    numbers_iterator
	.local num    average
	.local pmc    stdin

	stdin = getstdin
	numbers = new 'ResizableFloatArray'

	user_input = stdin.'readline_interactive'(PROMPT)
	if user_input == EXIT_STRING goto SETUP_CALCULATE_SUM
	latest_number = user_input
	push numbers, latest_number

	total = 0
	numbers_iterator = iter numbers

	unless numbers_iterator goto CALCULATE_AVERAGE
	latest_number = shift numbers_iterator
	total += latest_number

	number_count = numbers
	average = total / number_count

	print "Values entered: "
	say number_count
	print "Sum of values:  "
	say total
	print "Average:        "
	say average


All right. This example is easier for me to read than the others for some reason. That could be due to the simple fact that I’ve been looking at Parrot arrays for a couple of hours now. Maybe it’s because my blocks are more clearly labelled. Maybe it’s because using an iterator allowed me to build up a sum and still get the length the length of numbers later, rather than building up two values at the same time. I’m not really sure. I do know that I feel like the iterator has given me a nice little convenience layer for handling my array. The output is still the same.

$ parrot example-05-07.pir
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 5
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 10
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 15
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): 20
Enter a number (or "quit" to quit): quit
Values entered: 4
Sum of values:  50
Average:        12.5


We had already taken a glance at arrays when we worked with the command line. Today we dove a little deeper, looking into different ways we can access the contents of an array. Now you understand how to treat a ‘ResizableFloatArray’ like a stack, a queue, a plain old array, or an iterable collection. These principles should work for other array types as well. Parrot has many array PMCs, and you can find them on the list of core PMCs here.

Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-07-10