Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Teabagging a Monsto

Tags: drawing procreate craft


This post made more sense before Twitter had new owners and I locked down my account. Oh well. It’s still a cute picture.

So there was a tweet exchange with a friend on Sunday about “teabagging a monsto.”

I didn’t think to ask for context. Context is generally unexpected on Twitter, and sometimes downright unwelcome. Presumably Rachel’s friend was interacting oddly with monsters in a game. Or maybe not. I don’t judge.

I still replied, of course. Even without context. We follow each other. We’re friends outside of Twitter. It should be okay.

Random note, since I’d still like this to be a useful post. Here are a few guidelines for a happy life on Twitter.

Anyways. Overnight my mind wandered, and by Sunday afternoon the wandering had turned into a sketch. I mean I know what teabagging is. Be careful, that’s an Urban Dictionary link, and most definitely not safe for work.

But what if “teabagging” meant something else? What if it merely involved fetching a fresh bag of tea for your friendly monster guest?

The sketch

Being the sort of person I am, I had to embellish the script in Procreate. And then post it in the thread.

I’m not going to lie. I like this picture. Picked a small number of main colors and adjusted saturation and brightness to build on those. The horns are great. And that is a respectable teabag.

Perfect for teabagging the monstos.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-05-01