Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Emacs refresh-package-contents

Tags: emacs packages

Tried adding Evil to Emacs with use-package. Didn’t work.

Didn’t write the error message down, of course. Something about MELPA looking for a package version from two months ago and deciding the package was “Not Found”.

Eventually figured out I need to run package-refresh-contents, which grabs the latest package listings. Might be overkill to run that automatically in every Emacs session, so I won’t add it to my .emacs.

I will add a comment though.

;; Package not installing?
;;  Try 'M-x package-refresh-contents'

(require 'package)

Hopefully I remember to read my own comments.

Or the documentation.


john sj anderson wrote a post expanding on a suggestion to use advising functions.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-01-26