Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

If RMS is your hero then you need better heroes

Tags: mood chunky-bacon serious-pony

Yeah this is about Stallman being back on the board of the FSF. Kev Quirk has good thoughts about how it was communicated. Me, I’m tired. I had just been thinking how some of my favorite people have been driven off the public Internet via doxxing and harassment.

And now Free Software’s problematic fave — one of many, to be honest — is back, without so much as a hint of personal responsibility. Bah.

I’m not purging my system or anything, but I’m sure as hell done making a point of using GNU tools. This affects the FSF not one bit. It’s only me conserving my energy for things I can care about.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-01-26