Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

trying a thing with neovim

Tags: neovim python hugo rst site tools

But will it even work?

Oh right I need to :UpdateRemotePlugins first.


It worked!

What did I just do?

I used a remote plugin in Neovim to transform my reStructuredText into an HTML source document, simplifying Hugo’s site-building duties.

I won’t make you wait around for a proper post. Hugo lets you use reStructuredText. But Hugo’s way is slow and hard to customize. Not their fault. reStructuredText is not their focus.

Still — why not format it ahead of time?


Because it took a lot of work to figure this out? And most folks are perfectly happy with Markdown? And bloggers who prefer reStructuredText are probably using Pelican or Nikola?

Shush, me.

The Implementation

Start with content/whatever/index.rst.txt.

Make sure Hugo won’t track rst.txt files by explicitly adding an item the ignoreFiles config setting.

# config.toml
ignoreFiles = ['\.rst\.txt$']

This way hugo server --navigateToChanged behaves how we expect.

I tried setting ignoreFiles = ['\.rst$'] but as far as I could tell, Hugo ignored my request to ignore the file. Looks like I’m sticking with .rst.txt for now.

With the code down below in my Neovim python3 — that’s python3 not python — rplugin folder, and remote plugins updated, I write index.rst.txt to disk.

The remote plugin transforms it to HTML, copying my YAML frontmatter as is. So what Hugo sees is updated HTML with frontmatter, and builds that into the site templates nice and quick.

The Code

"""Give my reStructuredText posts in Hugo a little boost."""

import locale

import frontmatter
import pynvim
from docutils.core import publish_parts

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")

def determine_target(source: str) -> str:
    # Using an odd suffix so Hugo doesn't try to build the rst itself
    if not source.endswith(".rst.txt"):
        raise ValueError(f"Look at {source} more closely before transforming it.")

    return source.replace(".rst.txt", ".html")

class RSTBuildHugo:
    def __init__(self, nvim):
        self.nvim = nvim

    @pynvim.autocmd("BufWritePost", pattern="*.rst.txt", eval='expand("<afile>")')
    def convert_file(self, source_filename: str) -> None:
        target_path = determine_target(source_filename)
        post = frontmatter.load(source_filename)
        parts = publish_parts(source=post.content, writer_name="html")
        post.content = parts["body"]
        post.metadata["format"] = "rst"

        with open(target_path, "w") as out:

        self.nvim.out_write(f"Wrote {target_path}\n")

Lord knows this code ain’t perfect. This post is its main test. Who knows what bugs and improvements will come later?


You will, if you skim the Updates at the end.

If you grab a copy for your own nefarious plans — a similar template could get you fast Asciidoctor transforms as well — just remember a couple things:

Libraries Used

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-02-01