The if
directive tells PageTemplate to only display a chunk of content
when some condition is true. PageTemplate will skip the block and move
on if the condition is false.
[%if condition %] chunk[%end if %]
Here is an example of if
in use.
[%if pageowner %]<a href="admin.cgi">Admin View</a>[%end if %]
In this example, if the application tells PageTemplate that pageowner
is true, PageTemplate inserts a link to an administrative page.
Otherwise, nothing happens here.
The else
directive adds extra power to if
, by indicating a chunk of
content to use when a condition is not true.
[%if value%] chunk[%else%] alternate chunk[%end if %]
[%if login%]<p>Welcome back, [%var login %]!</p><p><a href="logout.cgi">Log Out</a></p>[%else %]<form name="login" method="post"> Login: <input type="text" name="login" /><br /> Password: <input type="password" name="passwd" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Login!" /></form>[%end if %]
This is the situation where I use else
directives the most. If the
visitor is logged in to a Web application, she is shown a brief
welcoming message. If not, then she will see a login form.
This example also shows a convenient approach to if
conditions. We
could make up a special logged_in
variable, but since all we care
about here is the presence of a login, we have PageTemplate test that as
if it were a regular condition.
There are many cases where a simple “yes” or “no” doesn’t do enough. You
want to display something different in the same spot depending on
whether or not different conditions are true. PageTemplate makes that a
little easier with the elsif
directive, which allows you to do exactly
that by testing the truth of different variables.
[%if condition1 %] Block 1[%elsif condition2 %] Block 2 ...[%elsif conditionN> %] Block n[%else %] Else Block[%end if %]
[%if cart.items %] <p>You have [%var cart.count %] items in your cart.</p>[%elsif cart.empty %] <p>Your cart is empty.</p>[%else %] <p>You have no cart. <a href="register.rb">Register</a> and get one!</p>[%end if %]
Sometimes you want to ask if something is false. For example, you may
want to show a login form in one spot if the user is not logged in, but
nothing at all if he is logged in. That is exactly the sort of thing
was intended for.
[%unless condition %] Block[%end unless %]
[%unless user.has_donated %]<p><a href="pay_up.cgi">Donate money, chump!</a></p>[%end unless %]