long-form blog posts
They aren’t necessarily better than the other categories. But they’re usually longer, and I usually spent more time writing them.
plus a little about client-side redirects and why not
I'll start with frontmatter schema and markdownlint
I enjoy closing out the year with questionable judgment
I didn't just break down a one-liner this time, but I also did that
Time for more interesting titles than "Snapshot"
how is it almost march already
power outlet under the kitchen sink; no big deal

mostly sad about Mojo Nixon
mostly trying to impress prospective employers
I changed my blogging workflow — again.
Two weeks in a row? Wow!

Shared notes. Not too much. Mostly links.

Besides the ethics? The tool itself breaks my flow.
I'm gonna keep using it

Captions more than titles, really. No problem. We'll fix it in post.

Learning to run Dart so I can walk with it — or something
Ain't no benchmark like an unscientific ad hoc benchmark

In which I make my justfile just a little fancier
In which I write a Raku emoji reverse lookup tool.

In which I frolic with a note system that lets me use SQL

Six if you insist on using math

They say I can run Nushell on Windows. Let's try that.

A day of Hugo and cat-sitting
Getting my second brain ready for post-processing

Specifically, building `main.scss` when `_base.scss` changes

It's not done, but it's done enough

Figuring out just enough markdown-it-py to write this post
But first a couple others as I figure this out
I only golfed it the tiniest bit

Because structured Markdown is an easier SSG target than reStructuredText
Okay maybe not so much on the profit but definitely fun!

Spent the day goofing off with
testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo
In which a minor update veers off on a Raku regex tangent

Why mess with getopt when I can just use multi-dispatch?

I sure do use a lot of words to justify my one-liners

Hugo's fine but I needed to try something new

(Oh yeah this is Statamic)

Managing notes with Joplin's terminal mode

Just name-dropping site generators
just a note, but too long to post as a note
Want to see something cool?

Found via my quarterly "Sublime Text 4" web search

Weaving code in Hugo posts with Julia

Don't get impressed yet
In which I sort out which tmux session is which
Fetching my IndieWeb mentions with HTTPie and Requests

I could just use Org mode, but noo that's too easy

Putting a couple how-to details down for easy searching later

This was mostly an excuse to get better with PowerShell
Trying out another windows package manager
Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes

Rakudobrew changed its name since last I looked
Stuff like this is why i don't advertise my site repo

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

I remain ambivalent about Rails development

I made a priority task to cut down on the priority tasks, and here we are

at 1:30am they're all good ideas

In which I go overboard with Hugo and Python for a quick Sunday task

I could right click for properties but the mouse is way over there

Getting Control and Escape keys where I want them
Using microformats to build a profile page

Twenty seconds to write a one-liner, and two days to think about it

I think I found my PDF reader for Windows

Can't let our dystopian sci-fi setting stop us

I tried something new with my site style.

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.
I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

Use `goto-address-mode` to make links in Emacs buffers clickable

I got carried away taking notes about basic RST usage

In which I play with another site builder

Apt spells "emacs core docs" as "emacs-common-non-dfsg".

I swear I'm not reinventing `ls`.
Been busy, but let's take a minute to summarize a file's details with Crystal

Just declared `.emacs` bankruptcy. Starting over with `use-package`.
In which I rediscover `make && make test && make install`
In which I write a hair spray recipe and *then* share the story

In which I spent Sunday having fun learning stuff

In which I mention more ways to edit Taskwarrior tasks

In which I use Crystal for a simple shell task

In which I suggest a password generator

I want to optimize this site's file sizes, but first I should see if I need to.

I installed kitty for font ligatures in terminals on Linux, but it does other stuff too.

`bat` is like a fancier `cat` for displaying file contents.

There's a new taxonomy for posts that are written in a particular order!

Use Taskwarrior projects to organize closely related tasks!

I want a circular grid for drawing. Let's make one with Python!

Writing these late night thoughts is as close as I get to making resolutions.

Take a deep breath. Relax. You got this.

The beorg iOS app has me playing with Org mode again

Last weekend I wandered the trails of Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park

I sauntered up the main trail of Mount Si this weekend.

I'm not done reading a book until I finish the exercises. Taskwarrior can help me remember.

beets and AppleScript helped me fix my incorrect track information

Some simple first steps with the Perl 5 Dancer2 web framework
Ed Finkler's OSMI project
Using Python to preview my Hugo site with many themes

Brian ponders midlife and plutoids
I Rebuilt Random Geekery with Hugo
I started writing about PNWPHP but got distracted and added "Suggested Reading" to my posts instead.
I can write Jekyll posts with reStructuredText now.
I have been looking at PHP for the first time in years. I don't know why.
in which I transfer my iTunes ratings to Rhythmbox
Use site.show_drafts in your template to keep site development from cluttering analytics
In which I try out Jekyll's experimental Collections
I am slowly learning more about how to use Atom for real work.

Experiments with the Octopress Jekyll extension bundle

More new old pages
The really old pages are now really old posts

Using Ruby to summarize my iTunes music ratings
Perl CPAN modules to simplify file cleanup
An experiment with using Org mode to write Jekyll blog posts.
A package manager for Windows
A quick confession about learning how to learn
Using Ruby to track my verbosity
Customizing Perl Reply and using -Mojo

I am in a highly fickle phase with the Web site
I know. I'm fickle.

Marking a change in domain name
Think of it as Step Zero for the other Python tutorials.
A design experiment figuring out what a local homeless shelter needs to track chores.

One time when I revamped my old site

Installing and first steps with Perl
Using Ruby to create knotwork panel images
A short series of posts I wrote on doing moderately interesting ruby exercises.
UNIX for the Windows world
circa 2003, at least.
In which I attempt to explain value types
In which I visit folks waiting to see "Attack of the Clones"
The coolnamehere 'about' page
Before the basics
ancient history