
[2022-08-04 Thu 10:04]
[2022-08-03 Wed 19:12]
[2022-08-01 Mon 09:56]
[2022-07-20 Wed 22:14]
[2022-07-18 Mon 17:04]
My Three(ish) Favorite Nushell Features

Six if you insist on using math

[2022-06-12 Sun 19:05]
[2022-06-11 Sat 10:05]
[2022-06-09 Thu 23:20]
[2022-06-07 Tue 09:10]
[2022-06-06 Mon 09:12]
[2022-05-30 Mon 13:45]
[2022-05-24 Tue 08:54]
[2022-05-15 Sun 22:06]
[2022-05-12 Thu 09:17]
[2022-05-08 Sun 13:37]
[2022-05-04 Wed 08:45]
[2022-05-02 Mon 13:20]
trying a thing with neovim

testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo

My Git CLI Windows setup

This was mostly an excuse to get better with PowerShell

VS Code pylint needs pylintrc
Python Invoke

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.

Quick Zoom Text in Emacs
Use cpan-outdated
replyrc And Mojo

Customizing Perl Reply and using -Mojo

REPL In Perl With Reply
Exporting From Org to Markdown