Captions more than titles, really. No problem. We'll fix it in post.

Six if you insist on using math

testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo
I could just use Org mode, but noo that's too easy

Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes

Stuff like this is why i don't advertise my site repo

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

In which I go overboard with Hugo and Python for a quick Sunday task

Twenty seconds to write a one-liner, and two days to think about it

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.
I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

There's a new taxonomy for posts that are written in a particular order!

Using Python to preview my Hugo site with many themes

I Rebuilt Random Geekery with Hugo