
Hugo Render Hooks for Titled Code Blocks

Captions more than titles, really. No problem. We'll fix it in post.

My Three(ish) Favorite Nushell Features

Six if you insist on using math

[2022-06-21 Tue 15:03]
trying a thing with neovim

testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo

Tangling code from Hugo content with Raku

I could just use Org mode, but noo that's too easy

CSV and Data Tables in Hugo

Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

Alias Templates in Hugo

I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes

Letting Ruby build Asciidoctor files for Hugo

Stuff like this is why i don't advertise my site repo

Querying Hugo Content With Python

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

h-entry Microformat for Indieweb Posts

In which I go overboard with Hugo and Python for a quick Sunday task

Listing Hugo Content Extensions With Raku

Twenty seconds to write a one-liner, and two days to think about it

Python Invoke

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.

Stealing a Hugo Shortcode for Nikola

I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

Yay Fluid Images
Added a Hugo note archetype
Chronological Taxonomy Listings in Hugo
Turning Taskwarrior Posts Into a Series

There's a new taxonomy for posts that are written in a particular order!

Using Hugo Data Templates
Buy My Stuff At Design by Hümans
Crafts Are Now Posts
My Sloppy Floppy Fingerless Mitten
Full Content Hugo Feeds
Hugo Archetype Templates
Using Disqus in Hugo
Yearly Post Archives In Hugo
All The Hugo Themes

Using Python to preview my Hugo site with many themes

Next? Hugo

I Rebuilt Random Geekery with Hugo