
Wrote a Node.js version of my content format counter

I only golfed it the tiniest bit

DWIM is consistent
Trying the Crystal Language

In which I use Crystal for a simple shell task

Showing Post Word Count in (neo)vim
Circular Grids With Python and Pillow

I want a circular grid for drawing. Let's make one with Python!

Drawing Grids With Python and Pillow
All The Hugo Themes

Using Python to preview my Hugo site with many themes

PHP, for Some Reason

I have been looking at PHP for the first time in years. I don't know why.

Finding and Removing Duplicate Files

Perl CPAN modules to simplify file cleanup

Counting Words in Blog Posts

Using Ruby to track my verbosity

Perl 5.20 Signatures in Subroutine References
Rereading the Pickaxe
YAPC::NA 2013 Links From a Non-Attendee