
Server-side Redirects in Astro SSG Mode

plus a little about client-side redirects and why not

Let's Try Tailwind

the new colors makes her think éclairs

Testing My Static Site with Vitest

I'll start with frontmatter schema and markdownlint

Elf Sternberg on how SSG is not a reaction
Hugo Render Hooks for Titled Code Blocks

Captions more than titles, really. No problem. We'll fix it in post.

I Talked About My Site on Test & Code in Python
Thinking about Hugo again but maybe with Site.js
Processing Sass in Eleventy

Specifically, building `main.scss` when `_base.scss` changes

Building my Eleventy site

something something "right tool for the right job"

Starting 2022 With Eleventy

It's not done, but it's done enough

I got Astro working!
pared down to the base blog
oh no there is a shiny new SSG
Not sure why I keep fussing with every single SSG. It's fun, I guess?
Still pondering new site approaches

Just name-dropping site generators

I added this note from org mode
SSG is for putterers
CSV and Data Tables in Hugo

Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

Stealing a Hugo Shortcode for Nikola

I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

Choosing a static site generator

If you're making a site for fun, use something you'll have fun with

Tweaking a Nikola Theme
Random Geekery a la Nikola
Eleventy 0.10.0 is out and I am distracted again
Building a starter blog with Nikola

In which I play with another site builder

Turning Taskwarrior Posts Into a Series

There's a new taxonomy for posts that are written in a particular order!

Crafts Are Now Posts
My Sloppy Floppy Fingerless Mitten
Hugo Archetype Templates
Using Disqus in Hugo
Yearly Post Archives In Hugo
Added Suggested Posts

I started writing about PNWPHP but got distracted and added "Suggested Reading" to my posts instead.

reStructuredText in Jekyll

I can write Jekyll posts with reStructuredText now.

Draft Mode in Jekyll Templates

Use site.show_drafts in your template to keep site development from cluttering analytics

Making a Jekyll Collection

In which I try out Jekyll's experimental Collections

Using Octopress 3

Experiments with the Octopress Jekyll extension bundle

Blog Writing in Org Mode

An experiment with using Org mode to write Jekyll blog posts.