the world's most "eh good enough" programming language
Python is a general purpose programming language that focuses on overall ease of use. It’s been my second choice language for so long — since at least 2001 — that it’s become my first choice language for most tasks.

Figuring out just enough markdown-it-py to write this post
But first a couple others as I figure this out
Okay maybe not so much on the profit but definitely fun!

Spent the day goofing off with
testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo
Want to see something cool?

Fetching my IndieWeb mentions with HTTPie and Requests

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.
I got carried away taking notes about basic RST usage

In which I play with another site builder

I want to optimize this site's file sizes, but first I should see if I need to.

I want a circular grid for drawing. Let's make one with Python!

beets and AppleScript helped me fix my incorrect track information
Using Python to preview my Hugo site with many themes

Think of it as Step Zero for the other Python tutorials.
In which I attempt to explain value types
Before the basics