Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

Checking out Playwright for Python

Tags: python browser-testing

From Announcing Playwright for Python: Reliable end-to-end testing for the web:

While automation is important, end-to-end tests are prone to being slow and flaky. To fix this, we released Playwright in JavaScript earlier this year and have enabled thousands of developers and testers to be successful at end-to-end testing. Today, we’re bringing the same capabilities to Python.

Almost made it to bed at a reasonable time until a random search showed me this. I’d been glancing enviously at Playwright earlier this year. Configurable, cross-browser testing from Python? Nice. Nicer than Selenium, anyways.

BRB rewriting all my browser tests.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-01-26