Weaving code in Hugo posts with Julia

Don't get impressed yet

In which I sort out which tmux session is which
Fetching my IndieWeb mentions with HTTPie and Requests

I could just use Org mode, but noo that's too easy

Putting a couple how-to details down for easy searching later

This was mostly an excuse to get better with PowerShell
Trying out another windows package manager

Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes

Rakudobrew changed its name since last I looked
Stuff like this is why i don't advertise my site repo

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

I remain ambivalent about Rails development

I made a priority task to cut down on the priority tasks, and here we are

at 1:30am they're all good ideas

In which I go overboard with Hugo and Python for a quick Sunday task

I could right click for properties but the mouse is way over there

Getting Control and Escape keys where I want them
Using microformats to build a profile page

Twenty seconds to write a one-liner, and two days to think about it

I think I found my PDF reader for Windows

Can't let our dystopian sci-fi setting stop us

I tried something new with my site style.

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.
I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

Use `goto-address-mode` to make links in Emacs buffers clickable

If you're making a site for fun, use something you'll have fun with

I got carried away taking notes about basic RST usage

In which I play with another site builder