My first Julia script

Weaving code in Hugo posts with Julia

Learning a little elisp

Don't get impressed yet

Something new to color
Great workflow you got there
Tags and config and RSS oh my
New theme for 2021
We have bookmarks!
Found the micro editor
Naming things in tmux

In which I sort out which tmux session is which

Using the Webmention.io API

Fetching my IndieWeb mentions with HTTPie and Requests

I added this note from org mode
Checking out Playwright for Python
Local WP is nice, but no.
I have a society6 shop
SSG is for putterers
Accidental Renaissance: The rolling contest
Work Break with Eleventy
Squiggly Spaceship Thing
Watched an old Tom Waits interview
Slow City Doodle
Fred Brooks was right
Tangling code from Hugo content with Raku

I could just use Org mode, but noo that's too easy

OrgMode-ish VimWiki
Ox Hugo for the Orgconfig

Putting a couple how-to details down for easy searching later

so chemacs is kinda cool
Deidre's Juneuary Hat
My Git CLI Windows setup

This was mostly an excuse to get better with PowerShell


Trying out another windows package manager

Working on Breadcrumbs
CSV and Data Tables in Hugo

Am I reinventing reStructuredText with shortcodes? Don't judge me.

Wanted a uses page, made a config section
Not saying this is a good idea
Here have a drawing
uploaded to cpan oops hang on how about now
Enjoyed this Derek Sivers interview
Alias Templates in Hugo

I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes

Setting up Raku with Rakubrew

Rakudobrew changed its name since last I looked

Letting Ruby build Asciidoctor files for Hugo

Stuff like this is why i don't advertise my site repo

Sepia Hallucination
I Added 10 Seconds to Build Time!
Shaved 3 Seconds Off Site Build Time!
Clearing the tracks as we go is part of the fun
Hard Moving on From Perl When It Keeps Being More Good Enough Than the Other Good Enough Solutions
My Therapist Would Love This if I Had One
Debugging My Site With a Little Help From My Friends
Made an Emacs Binding for Config Quick Edit
Querying Hugo Content With Python

I had entirely too much fun replacing my site metadata script with sqlite-utils

Datasette Sure Is Nifty
Got a Working glitch-soc Rails Dev Environment

I remain ambivalent about Rails development

Pondering My Indieweb Guinea Pig
Skinny Lines and Flat Colors
Sorry if I Broke Your RSS Feed
Taskwarrior Custom Reports

I made a priority task to cut down on the priority tasks, and here we are

How many recent authors on CPAN?
From Dotfiles to Org File

at 1:30am they're all good ideas

I Helped genehack!
Patronize Me on Liberapay
h-entry Microformat for Indieweb Posts

In which I go overboard with Hugo and Python for a quick Sunday task

The Seattle Freeze Is a Hundred Years Old
Why Do I Blog?
Getting File Info From The Shell

I could right click for properties but the mouse is way over there

How Mom stays creative
Kistler Tree
Useful Overview of Neurodiversity
Autorun Keyboard Settings for Awesomewm

Getting Control and Escape keys where I want them

Indieweb h-cards

Using microformats to build a profile page

Sepia Sunburst
Sign of the Times
Yay I Added Mentions and Replies
Listing Hugo Content Extensions With Raku

Twenty seconds to write a one-liner, and two days to think about it

STDU Viewer

I think I found my PDF reader for Windows

Every Post Has a UUID
Got Married Yesterday

Can't let our dystopian sci-fi setting stop us

VS Code pylint needs pylintrc
Passing Tests Is Now Required to Push
Today in Personal Accomplishments
All I Did Was Click Bulk Download
Emacs refresh-package-contents
That Is Just Embarrassing
Sort of Tufte CSS

I tried something new with my site style.

I have one like somewhere
Python Invoke

I got to know the Python `invoke` task runner a little better.

Stealing a Hugo Shortcode for Nikola

I needed a YouTube shortcode for Nikola, so I adapted Hugo's.

Yay Fluid Images
Somebody Discovered Fork Awesome
inv note
Goto Address Mode Opens Links in Emacs

Use `goto-address-mode` to make links in Emacs buffers clickable

Added dark mode for the site
Choosing a static site generator

If you're making a site for fun, use something you'll have fun with

Taskwarrior Sync
Tweaking a Nikola Theme
Random Geekery a la Gatsby.js
Random Geekery a la Nikola
reStructuredText Basics For Blogging

I got carried away taking notes about basic RST usage

that thing
Go back to bed
A Quick Notes Script for Taskwarrior
Eleventy 0.10.0 is out and I am distracted again
Building a starter blog with Nikola

In which I play with another site builder

Noncommercial-only licenses are hard
Quick Zoom Text in Emacs