
short thoughts

Stuff that could maybe go in a tumblelog.

Dawn of a Glorious Garbage Day

the sun makes itself known long before you can see it

Let's Try Tailwind

the new colors makes her think éclairs

Site Style Tweaks
Blog Reset
Snapshot – Vacation Time
2024-01-28 Snapshot
Less Is More for 2024
Revisiting an old layout
watched Your Colors Suck (it's not your fault)
Watching: The Densest City on Earth
pulled in the tumblelog
Save those links
Added site search via Pagefind
Watching (the cat in): The Future is a Dead Mall
Reading: What developers with ADHD want you to know
A Fun Python Turtle YouTube Playlist
A Knitted Washcloth
Someone Made A How-To on Moebius-style 3D Rendering
Cory Doctorow on the split appeal of tech
Stupid VS Code Vim Tricks
Elf Sternberg on how SSG is not a reaction
New experiment: online brains
please hold
[2023-02-23 Thu 13:42]
New config tangling workflow
Emulate tldr instead of man in your notes
Add an Obsidian CSS Snippet
Maybe lock chat-gpt3 out of your blog
Not the worst workspace
Social network stuff
Pulling Twitter From POSSE Links
[2022-10-22 Sat 07:26]
Enso Hybrid IDE Demo
From Perl to Rust
[2022-08-04 Thu 10:04]
[2022-08-03 Wed 19:12]
[2022-08-01 Mon 22:45]
[2022-08-01 Mon 09:56]
[2022-07-31 Sun 08:33]
[2022-07-29 Fri 22:50]
[2022-07-26 Tue 08:24]
[2022-07-25 Mon 23:38]
Limit Theory Source Release
Eat the Frog First
[2022-07-20 Wed 22:14]
[2022-07-18 Mon 17:04]
[2022-07-18 Mon 09:16]
[2022-07-17 Sun 22:14]

My response when people ask me what I do for a living

[2022-07-17 Sun 12:41] Better than a gist
[2022-07-15 Fri 15:15]
I Talked About My Site on Test & Code in Python
[2022-06-23 Thu 21:54]
[2022-06-21 Tue 15:03]
[2022-06-18 Sat 07:37]
[2022-06-12 Sun 19:05]
[2022-06-11 Sat 10:05]
[2022-06-09 Thu 23:20]
[2022-06-09 Thu 10:17]
[2022-06-08 Wed 22:35]
[2022-06-08 Wed 10:03]
[2022-06-07 Tue 09:10]
[2022-06-06 Mon 09:12]
[2022-05-30 Mon 13:45]
[2022-05-25 Wed 09:54]
[2022-05-24 Tue 08:54]
[2022-05-21 Sat 17:44] My basic org-roam-dailies capture template
[2022-05-15 Sun 22:06]
[2022-05-14 Sat 18:06]
[2022-05-14 Sat 14:55]
[2022-05-12 Thu 23:02]
[2022-05-12 Thu 09:17]
[2022-05-12 Thu 07:39]
[2022-05-11 Wed 07:19]
[2022-05-10 Tue 05:51]
[2022-05-10 Tue 05:49]
[2022-05-08 Sun 14:48]
[2022-05-08 Sun 13:37]
[2022-05-08 Sun 01:10]
[2022-05-06 Fri 23:56]
[2022-05-05 Thu 14:26]
[2022-05-05 Thu 11:46]
[2022-05-05 Thu 11:30]
[2022-05-04 Wed 08:45]
How About a Tumblelog
[2022-05-03 Tue 19:28]
[2022-05-02 Mon 15:26]
[2022-05-02 Mon 14:56]
[2022-05-02 Mon 14:28]
[2022-05-02 Mon 13:20]
Added a Neighborhood Blogroll Thing
Config Tweaks for Nushell
Added an Emacs config based off of nano-emacs
Thinking about Hugo again but maybe with Site.js
Time to start reading Domesticate Your Badgers
Slowly pulling in tools for site flow
Eleventy 1.0 beta handles custom templates
Building my Eleventy site

something something "right tool for the right job"

meanwhile, weather
I got Astro working!
Logseq sure does work hard at being friendly
My Org Config! It's back!
Try Riv if you like Vim and reStructuredText
winget is pretty slick now
I wrote this note in Hugo with markdown-it-py
Today is September 21st — you know the rules
Look at me with one Asciidoctor page in an Astro site
finally have all my content in one format
pared down to the base blog
A finished Awesomewm post from someone else is better than a draft from me
oh no there is a shiny new SSG
Our cats give me more reason to use the terminal
I installed Gitea because it is shiny not because it is needed
Not sure why I keep fussing with every single SSG. It's fun, I guess?
oh no i added a javascript search thing
The Memex Method Works For Me
So here's my first Statamic tip: don't forget xml_handler in your RSS template
I'll deploy eventually.
I'm trying a "notes" collection
If RMS is your hero then you need better heroes
Maybe I don't know much about Markdown, he says
yay fresh webmentions again
Just noticed Okular PDF is on Windows
Tweaking my tools
testing a thing
I got mentions back up
Great workflow you got there
Tags and config and RSS oh my
New theme for 2021
We have bookmarks!
Found the micro editor
I added this note from org mode
Checking out Playwright for Python
Local WP is nice, but no.
I have a society6 shop
SSG is for putterers
Accidental Renaissance: The rolling contest
Work Break with Eleventy
Watched an old Tom Waits interview
Fred Brooks was right
OrgMode-ish VimWiki
so chemacs is kinda cool
Working on Breadcrumbs
Wanted a uses page, made a config section
Not saying this is a good idea
uploaded to cpan oops hang on how about now
Enjoyed this Derek Sivers interview
Sepia Hallucination
I Added 10 Seconds to Build Time!
Shaved 3 Seconds Off Site Build Time!
Clearing the tracks as we go is part of the fun
Hard Moving on From Perl When It Keeps Being More Good Enough Than the Other Good Enough Solutions
My Therapist Would Love This if I Had One
Debugging My Site With a Little Help From My Friends
Made an Emacs Binding for Config Quick Edit
Datasette Sure Is Nifty
Pondering My Indieweb Guinea Pig
Sorry if I Broke Your RSS Feed
How many recent authors on CPAN?
I Helped genehack!
Patronize Me on Liberapay
The Seattle Freeze Is a Hundred Years Old
Why Do I Blog?
How Mom stays creative
Useful Overview of Neurodiversity
Sign of the Times
Yay I Added Mentions and Replies
Every Post Has a UUID
VS Code pylint needs pylintrc
Passing Tests Is Now Required to Push
Today in Personal Accomplishments
All I Did Was Click Bulk Download
Emacs refresh-package-contents
That Is Just Embarrassing
I have one like somewhere
Yay Fluid Images
Somebody Discovered Fork Awesome
Added dark mode for the site
Choosing a static site generator

If you're making a site for fun, use something you'll have fun with

Random Geekery a la Gatsby.js
Random Geekery a la Nikola
that thing
Go back to bed
Eleventy 0.10.0 is out and I am distracted again
Noncommercial-only licenses are hard
At last I have a mission statement
Removing mmark has me grumbly
I got her a card for her birthday
Let's call the notes experiment a success
Always got time for Miyazaki
RSS fix, I hope
Smug mode activated
Art Nouveau, Psychedelia, and a Kalevala tangent
Having fun with Emacs
Be proud of your blog site thing
Watched Netflix Explained; remembered Bowie
On moving your life forward
Couple decades now
Bookmarking the KEXP livestream links
Foot hat
Slow walkers have inferior brains
A good day for books
We went to the mall. Later, I bought an app.
Do not shop on first coffee
Pioneer Square has a view now
A Microsoft Linux Conference?
[+1 Interesting]
Yanick made me do it
Proudly doing it wrong
Sweep Leaves Not Lives
I still love when people say nice things about Perl
Might see Little Monsters
I forgot how nice KDE can be
"Charming Victorian" also means "Creepy As Hell"
Installed Windows Terminal Preview
Saving some links from Perl 6 Weekly
IndieWeb Principles
Wanting WSL 2
6 Days 21 Hours 30 Minutes To Home
Wait No Hold On
make publish
Artist's rendition of my sinuses
12 days 5 hours 28 minutes to home
I should be sleeping
Chunky Bacon
I Stole A Great Idea
task add 'admit a mistake'
Seattle's Chinatown Gate
Checking in on my idea bucket
Chicken for lunch
Internet Connected!
Added a Hugo note archetype
A quick note
Windows Virtual Desktops

A short reminder note on Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts for virtual desktops

Another Link
xcb_xlib_unlock issues - Java on Fedora
Stripping out contact popup for now
Switching hosts
Sticking with Vim