Hey I already switched this blog over to Astro. Why not keep trying new and interestingly uncomfortable things? So now all the site styles are done with Tailwind classes. Well. Most of them. Still some of the more interesting CSS I haven’t figure out how to map over.
Will I stick with it? As always, I have no idea.
So hey while it has my attention:
use Astro’s class:list
directive to pass Tailwind class names up the component chain.
Here’s a tidied-up example.
Please forgive my beginner-ness with both Astro and Tailwind.
Say I use a UsesLink component, which would link to a list of posts where I talked about using Astro.
<UsesLink used="astro" />
UsesLink itself is pretty small.
---import TaxonomyLink from "./core/TaxonomyLink.astro"
const { used } = Astro.props---
<TaxonomyLink href={`/uses/${used}/`} class="font-semibold"><slot>{used}</slot></TaxonomyLink>
It calls the more generic TaxonomyLink, passing a Tailwind class name as a prop.
---const { href, class: className = "" } = Astro.props---
<a class:list={[ "p-category", "bg-amber-300", "text-slate-950", "inline-block", "rounded-md", "mx-1", "px-2", "py-1", className ]} {href}><slot /></a>
TaxonomyLink uses class:list
to paste that class prop onto a handful it’s already using.
The full list gets rendered in the final HTML.
<a class="p-category bg-amber-300 text-slate-950 inline-block rounded-md mx-1 px-2 py-1 font-semibold" href="/uses/astro/">astro</a>
Oh and I’m writing this in a MDX file so I can just show you right here! The color classes will of course have changed multiple times by the time you read this.
astroI still don’t know if all those class names, and the extra steps to use them cleanly, is better than just using CSS. But hey I’m having fun, and can decipher more of contemporary corporate Web design.
Anyways I’m kinda craving a donut right now.