
Dawn of a Glorious Garbage Day

the sun makes itself known long before you can see it

2024-02-18 Snapshot

power outlet under the kitchen sink; no big deal

2024-01-21 Snapshot
2024-01-14 Snapshot

Two weeks in a row? Wow!

Less Is More for 2024
Not the worst workspace
[2022-07-17 Sun 22:14]

My response when people ask me what I do for a living

[2022-06-23 Thu 21:54]
[2022-05-24 Tue 08:54]
[2022-05-10 Tue 05:49]
[2022-05-08 Sun 01:10]
[2022-05-06 Fri 23:56]
[2022-05-05 Thu 11:30]
[2022-05-03 Tue 19:28]
[2022-05-02 Mon 13:20]
meanwhile, weather
I wrote this note in Hugo with markdown-it-py
I'm trying a "notes" collection
Great workflow you got there
Tags and config and RSS oh my
Wanted a uses page, made a config section
Not saying this is a good idea
I Added 10 Seconds to Build Time!
Shaved 3 Seconds Off Site Build Time!
Debugging My Site With a Little Help From My Friends
How Mom stays creative
Got Married Yesterday

Can't let our dystopian sci-fi setting stop us

Yay Fluid Images
Random Geekery a la Nikola
that thing
Go back to bed
At last I have a mission statement
RSS fix, I hope
Having fun with Emacs
I got business stickers
Couple decades now
A good day for books
We went to the mall. Later, I bought an app.
Do not shop on first coffee
minor social network culling
tmux and laundry art
6 Days 21 Hours 30 Minutes To Home
Artist's rendition of my sinuses
12 days 5 hours 28 minutes to home
I should be sleeping
Seattle's Chinatown Gate
Checking in on my idea bucket
Chicken for lunch
Internet Connected!
Theme Change and Pieces Section
Interviewed About Facebook
Backing The Flask Mega Tutorial Kickstarter
Geekish Update
Maybe Ration My Time In Hot Take Land
Welcome to Jekyll!

I am in a highly fickle phase with the Web site

My New New (New) Site
OS X Updates
Stripping out contact popup for now
Switching hosts