
[2022-06-11 Sat 10:05]
Learning a little elisp

Don't get impressed yet

I added this note from org mode
Ox Hugo for the Orgconfig

Putting a couple how-to details down for easy searching later

Made an Emacs Binding for Config Quick Edit
From Dotfiles to Org File

at 1:30am they're all good ideas

Emacs refresh-package-contents
Goto Address Mode Opens Links in Emacs

Use `goto-address-mode` to make links in Emacs buffers clickable

Quick Zoom Text in Emacs
Emacs use-package

Just declared `.emacs` bankruptcy. Starting over with `use-package`.

Emacs Writegood Mode
Logging Money In Org Mode
Blog Writing in Org Mode

An experiment with using Org mode to write Jekyll blog posts.

Start Using Emacsclient
Elisp Functions Described in the Emacs Tutorial
The Emacs Tutorial as ELisp Tour
Exporting From Org to Markdown