
Nah on Copilot for now

Besides the ethics? The tool itself breaks my flow.

Enso Hybrid IDE Demo
[2022-05-25 Wed 09:54]
I installed Gitea because it is shiny not because it is needed
Just noticed Okular PDF is on Windows
Looks like Sublime Text is shifting to a subscription plan

Found via my quarterly "Sublime Text 4" web search

Naming things in tmux

In which I sort out which tmux session is which


Trying out another windows package manager

STDU Viewer

I think I found my PDF reader for Windows

Sort of Tufte CSS

I tried something new with my site style.

Goto Address Mode Opens Links in Emacs

Use `goto-address-mode` to make links in Emacs buffers clickable

Taskwarrior Sync
Tweaking a Nikola Theme
Smug mode activated
Emacs use-package

Just declared `.emacs` bankruptcy. Starting over with `use-package`.

Colorized my go output with grc

In which I spent Sunday having fun learning stuff

Taskwarrior Editing Refinements

In which I mention more ways to edit Taskwarrior tasks

Try xkcdpass

In which I suggest a password generator

Installed Windows Terminal Preview
Kitty Terminal

I installed kitty for font ligatures in terminals on Linux, but it does other stuff too.

Pretty Print Terminal Files With Bat

`bat` is like a fancier `cat` for displaying file contents.

Chronological Taxonomy Listings in Hugo
Using Hugo Data Templates
Trying Beorg

The beorg iOS app has me playing with Org mode again

Windows Virtual Desktops

A short reminder note on Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts for virtual desktops

Wellington for Sass
Full Content Hugo Feeds
Emacs Writegood Mode
Taking OS X Screenshots
Cinnamon Screenshot Shortcuts
Bob Ross CSS
Next? Hugo

I Rebuilt Random Geekery with Hugo

Making a Jekyll Collection

In which I try out Jekyll's experimental Collections

Remote Editing In Atom

I am slowly learning more about how to use Atom for real work.

Atom Works on openSUSE

A package manager for Windows

My Ubuntu Setup
Connect To MongoDB on a Vagrant box from the host
Python3 and pyvenv
What is build-essentials for openSUSE
Pretty Recursive Grep
Start Using Emacsclient
Pulling a Remote Branch In Git
I Learned GitHub Has Interesting Links