Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life

finally have all my content in one format

Tags: site asciidoctor

│Format   │Count│
│.md      │48   │
│.adoc.txt│574  │
│.md.txt  │579  │
│.rst.txt │32   │

Okay yes I also have it in several other formats. Came up with an approach where I can keep all my formats in the base blog and build whatever I prefer.

My point is that all the content that counts is available in Asciidoctor format. Better choice for me than Markdown since Asciidoctor already has built-in understanding of notes and asides. Better choice for me than reStructuredText because it’s easier to find Asciidoctor processors for assorted static site generators.

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Added to vault 2024-01-15. Updated on 2024-02-01