
[2022-07-15 Fri 15:15]
[2022-06-18 Sat 07:37]
[2022-05-14 Sat 14:55]
[2022-05-12 Thu 07:39]
A finished Awesomewm post from someone else is better than a draft from me
Autorun Keyboard Settings for Awesomewm

Getting Control and Escape keys where I want them

Installing Emacs Documentation on POP!_os

Apt spells "emacs core docs" as "emacs-common-non-dfsg".

Building Rakudo and Moarvm on Linux

In which I rediscover `make && make test && make install`

A Microsoft Linux Conference?
Try xkcdpass

In which I suggest a password generator

I forgot how nice KDE can be
Wanting WSL 2
Cinnamon Screenshot Shortcuts
My Ubuntu Setup
xcb_xlib_unlock issues - Java on Fedora