Adding anything else felt like too much

Linea needs a time tracker

I'm just glad I finished them

In which I spend a month on a fifteen minute doodle

Yeah I know. That's not what "teabagging" is.

Getting the doodle time in.

A Samsung Note 9 means my phone drawing has been upgraded.

I continue building my hat knitting knowledge!

I made another hat! This time I learned how to make a hemmed edge.

I made myself a hat and gloves in matching colors for winter.

Yes, they look like that on purpose.

This one took a while.

Took a break this weekend with a quick yarn project.

I knitted myself a slightly silly stocking cap which I quite enjoy.

I made myself a snug beanie hat by knitting in the round.

Took me a couple months because I started a pair for my mom in the middle of making this pair.

Not my first socks ever, of course. But there are many firsts in these socks.

stretching myself with each picture is starting to look interesting

Trying to get back into the habit of drawing regularly.

Because I made them for my ex, and we split on friendly terms

It's not the best hat I've made. It wasn't even the best hat I'd made when I made it.