You will obviously need to install Rakudo if you want to use it. There are a couple of options, but I will focus on Rakudo Star. Rakudo Star is a distribution which includes some important libraries and an excellent book.
The easiest way to install Rakudo Star depends on your operating system. Specifically, it depends on whether you’re using Microsoft Windows.
Windows Installer
There is a lovely Rakudo Star installer available for Windows users. It
includes all the pieces needed to get started with Rakudo. Look on the Rakudo
Star download page for a filename ending in .msi
. Right
now, that file is rakudo-star.2010.07.msi
. It will probably be a different
file when you look.
Download that MSI file and run it. Go ahead and accept the defaults, unless you have a good reason not to.
Once you have installed Rakudo, you need to add it to your environment
path so that you can run it from the command prompt. Open your Start
menu, right click “My Computer”, and select “Properties”. Open the
“Advanced” tab, and click the “Environment Variables” button. Scroll
through “System Variables” until you see the entry for “Path”. Double
click “Path” to open the “Edit System Variable” dialog. Enter the
location of your Rakudo installation - probably C:\Rakudo\bin
- at the
beginning of the “Variable Value” field, followed by the ;
separator character. Click “OK” to close this dialog, “OK” again to
close the Environment Variables dialog, then “OK” one more time to close
the “System Properties” dialog.
To test, run “Command Prompt” and try perl6 --version
C:\> perl6 --versionThis is Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.07-47-g9fd5eaa built on parrot 2.6.0
Copyright 2008-2010, The Perl Foundation
Double check your Path environment variable if you don’t see something like this.
It looks like you’ve installed Rakudo!
From Source
mkdir ~/rakudocd rakudowget xfvz rakudo-star-2010.09.tar.gzcd rakudo-star-2010.09perl --gen-parrot --prefix=~/rakudo/makemake rakudo-testmake install
Of course, there’s no point installing Rakudo to a custom directory if
your shell can’t find it. Add a couple lines to your .bashrc
export RAKUDO_HOME=$HOME/rakudoexport PATH=$RAKUDO_HOME/bin:$PATH
This will make the perl6
executable available the next time you log
in, or you can rush the process by running ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc$ perl6 --version
This is Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.08 built on parrot 2.7.0
Copyright 2008-2010, The Perl Foundation
Now that we know Rakudo is installed, let’s take a look at what it gets us.
What Do You Get?
Obviously, you get Rakudo. But Rakudo is built on top of the Parrot virtual machine, so you also get a fresh copy of Parrot. You can learn more about coding directly to the virtual machine at the Parrot Babysteps. And you also get NQP, which is sort of a stripped-down version of Rakudo that makes writing new languages in Parrot a lot easier.
The perl6
One thing I missed in Perl 5 was a simple interactive shell. There is a
debug shell, but it’s not quite the same thing. Fortunately, Rakudo has
an interactive shell, and you start it by calling perl6
from the
command line.
$ perl6>
What can we do in this shell? Well, we can print things out.
> say "Hello, world!"Hello, world!
We can use it as a calculator.
> 2 + 24
We can calculate the area of a circle that has a radius of ten units.
> my $pi = 3.14159263.1415926> my $radius = 1010> 2 * $pi * ( $radius ** 2 )628.31852
Okay, you get the idea. There is a lot we can do with the perl6 shell. Let’s start looking a little bit at the Perl 6 language.
First up is variables.
> my $pi = 3.14159263.1415926
> my $name = "Brian"Brian> say "Hello, $name - good to see you!"Hello, Brian - good to see you!"
Exciting as that was, it’s time to leave the Perl 6 shell and start writing a simple script. It’s easy enough to quit the shell.
> exit$
Writing a Perl 6 Program
All we need now to write a Perl 6 program is a text editor. I prefer Vim, which provides syntax highlighting.
# Do not run on older Perl versions!use v6;
print "Please enter your name: ";my $name = $*IN.get;say "Hello $name - good to see you!";
$ perl6 hello.p6Please enter your name: BrianHello, Brian - good to see you!