Collecting my attempts to improve at tech, art, and life


A PKM in VS Code

Even though technically it’s in maintenance mode now, it’s still my favorite way to manage information from inside VS Code. Plus it’s under Apache licensing if anyone wants to fork it.


Pulled almost verbatim from my Dendron vault because it’s got some thoughts that remain useful for me.


I don’t have one. But here are some things to keep in mind until I do.

How I currently use Dendron

Not a formal process — trying to identify and improve my flow. Tweaked slightly as these days I use this vault for the stuff I don’t mind people seeing, and other tools for work and other such sensitive bits.

How I’d like to use Dendron

Command: Dendron: Configure (YAML)

Use the command! Stop looking in your workspace for the YAML file!


Fiddly customization

Ctrl+Enter should open note under the cursor

At some point C-ENTER stopped opening notes in Dendron. My own fault, I’m sure. But I figured it out! Fiddled with the where property of the VS Code binding for Dendron: Go to Note: editorFocus && resourceExtName == '.md'

Task notes

Dendron Wiki: Tasks

Not as polished as Taskwarrior or Org, but more useful than your basic checkboxes.



        name: task
        dateFormat: y.MM.dd
        addBehavior: asOwnDomain
            later: ' '
            now: '/'
            wait: '?'
            done: x
            nah: '-'
            - done
            - x
            - nah
            H: high
            M: medium
            L: low
        todoIntegration: false
        createTaskSelectionType: selection2link

Todo Tree Integration

Integrates with VS Code Todo Tree

If you enable workspace.task.todoIntegration, then Dendron adds a frontmatter item TODO: TASK TITLE on task creation. Since it already has task-specific frontmatter, I opted to tweak workspace settings for Todo Tree instead.

    "settings": {
        "todo-tree.general.tags": [
            "[ ]",
            "status: ''",
            "status: x",
            "status: later",
            "status: now",
            "status: wait",
            "status: done",
            "status: nah"
        "todo-tree.general.tagGroups": {
            "NOW": ["[/]", "status: now"],
            "LATER": ["[ ]", "status: ''", "TODO", "FIXME", "XXX"],
            "WAIT": ["[?]", "status: wait"],
            "DONE": ["[x]", "status: done"],
            "NAH": ["status: nah"]

The tree is still a little iffy about grouped views, but that’s probably a config thing for me to figure out rather than a bug.

Added to vault 2024-02-04. Updated on 2024-02-04