Figuring out just enough markdown-it-py to write this post
But first a couple others as I figure this out

I only golfed it the tiniest bit

Because structured Markdown is an easier SSG target than reStructuredText
Okay maybe not so much on the profit but definitely fun!

Spent the day goofing off with Mastodon.py
testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo

In which a minor update veers off on a Raku regex tangent

Why mess with getopt when I can just use multi-dispatch?

I sure do use a lot of words to justify my one-liners

Hugo's fine but I needed to try something new

(Oh yeah this is Statamic)

Managing notes with Joplin's terminal mode

Just name-dropping site generators
Linea needs a time tracker

just a note, but too long to post as a note

Want to see something cool?

Found via my quarterly "Sublime Text 4" web search

I'm just glad I finished them