meanwhile, weather
I got Astro working!
Logseq sure does work hard at being friendly
My Org Config! It's back!
Drawing and site shuffling are coping techniques
Try Riv if you like Vim and reStructuredText
Using markdown-it in Python

Figuring out just enough markdown-it-py to write this post

winget is pretty slick now
I wrote this note in Hugo with markdown-it-py
Creating a reStructuredText kbd Role

But first a couple others as I figure this out

Today is September 21st — you know the rules
Look at me with one Asciidoctor page in an Astro site
finally have all my content in one format
Wrote a Node.js version of my content format counter

I only golfed it the tiniest bit

Saving some MyST Markdown blogging links for later

Because structured Markdown is an easier SSG target than reStructuredText

Extracting Rich Output for fun and profit

Okay maybe not so much on the profit but definitely fun!

pared down to the base blog
Tooting with Python

Spent the day goofing off with Mastodon.py

trying a thing with neovim

testing a python remote plugin for quicker reStructuredText in Hugo

A finished Awesomewm post from someone else is better than a draft from me
oh no there is a shiny new SSG
Our cats give me more reason to use the terminal
I installed Gitea because it is shiny not because it is needed
Joplin CLI Batch Processing With Raku

In which a minor update veers off on a Raku regex tangent

My Raku script for Journaling in Joplin

Why mess with getopt when I can just use multi-dispatch?

CLI Journaling in Joplin with Raku

I sure do use a lot of words to justify my one-liners

Not sure why I keep fussing with every single SSG. It's fun, I guess?
oh no i added a javascript search thing
The Memex Method Works For Me
So here's my first Statamic tip: don't forget xml_handler in your RSS template
Officially Using Statamic For The Site

Hugo's fine but I needed to try something new

I'll deploy eventually.
I'm trying a "notes" collection
Hello World

(Oh yeah this is Statamic)

Joplin Terminal Basics

Managing notes with Joplin's terminal mode

Still pondering new site approaches

Just name-dropping site generators

If RMS is your hero then you need better heroes
Maybe I don't know much about Markdown, he says
Hard symmetry soft colors

Linea needs a time tracker

yay fresh webmentions again
Got different benchmarks from Programming Crystal

just a note, but too long to post as a note

Just noticed Okular PDF is on Windows
Tweaking my tools
testing a thing
Pretty File Summaries with Rich and ExifTool

Want to see something cool?

Looks like Sublime Text is shifting to a subscription plan

Found via my quarterly "Sublime Text 4" web search

I got mentions back up
Deidre's Double Moss Socks

I'm just glad I finished them